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Gallery: About

Our Christmas Crib was in its usual place at the nave altar.  We are reminded throughout Christmas that Jesus was the light who came into the world to guide us to our eternal home. 

Our Advent wreath, with the final (Christmas) candle lit. 


The lectern fall is used each year at Christmas.

Wendy & Paul were married at St Mary's

on 10 June 2017: at their wedding reception,

they and their guests were treated to

this amazing performance.

Light streams through the haze of incense after the Parish Mass on Sunday 11 December 2016.  This view is of the windows on the south wall of the church and is taken from the north aisle.

St Mary's is pictured on

3 February 2015

in the snow.

The statue of Our Lady in the Church.


The parish is dedicated to St Mary the Virgin, and so this statue is something of a focal point in the church.  We are constantly reminded of Our Lady's love for the Lord and we recognize that as a result of her 'yes' to Gabriel's message, she brought into the world the Saviour of us all. 

St John Vianney was the curé, the parish priest, of Ars in France.  His devotion to the Lord and to the people entrusted to his care was recognized in his own lifetime but after his death his fame grew wider still.  He is now the patron saint of parish priests and this stained glass window in our chapel reminds us all of his service and gently points us towards the Lord. 

This collage is of the stained glass windows which are in the church, along the north wall.  The pictures tell the story of the Virgin Mary's encounters.  Bottom right: Gabriel appears to her and announces God's purpose for her life.  Bottom left: She visits Elizabeth and receives the confirmation that what the angel told her (that Elizabeth was pregnant) was true.  Top: when Jesus is presented in the temple, Simeon tells her 'a sword will pierce your soul.' 

How it might have been!

These pictures show the original plans for St Mary's, unfortunately lack of money meant that the building was never completed.  Added in 1976, our narthex (foyer) and small hall represented a major leap forward for the church. 

Photographs are copyright 2017-2024 Fr Dane Batley-Gladden

St Mary's Vicarage, London Road, SWANLEY, Kent, BR8 7AQ

©2024 the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Swanley. Proudly created with

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