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Please note there are no Masses from
Tuesday 3rd September to Saturday 7th September. 
Masses resume their usual pattern from
Sunday 8th September. 

(On Sunday 8th September, Evening Prayer is combined with Benediction at 3.30pm as we celebrate our Patronal Festival.)
The weekday Mass is also suspended from Tuesday 1st October to Tuesday 15th October. The normal weekday Mass pattern resumes on and from Wednesday 16th October.   Sunday Masses are unaffected and continue as usual. 

Hall Hire

Our hall is not available for hire at the moment.


When it is, we shall publish details of how to book.


In the meantime, nobody is able to arrange hall bookings and we are not taking any deposits at this time.

Coronavirus Covid-19
The Vaccinaton centre which previously ran in the church hall ceased operation in December 2022.  Vaccines will be available at the Cedars Surgery in Swanley on Saturdays, you need to contact them for further details.


Church Services

If you have any cough, flu, cold or symptoms of other transmissable diseases then you should not attend church or any other gathering: keep your germs to yourself! 


Of course, faithful Christians should be seeking to ensure they have a prayer life which routinely engages them in saying sorry for their sins, adoring our Creator, giving thanks for our Saviour and kindling the fire of the Holy Spirit within us all.  This prayer life may be nourished by joining online acts of worship or through attending less 'busy' services during the week. 


St Mary's offers one Mass for a Sunday, which is sung, at 10am

and Evening Prayer at 5pm. 


The Sunday evening service is Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer in the Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter seasons, and Vespers from the Roman Breviary during Ordinary Time. 


The Church Hall is closed at present and we do not have a date for its reopening.   


Mass is usually celebrated on Sundays at 10am and then from Tuesday to Saturday:


Tuesday, 7pm

Wednesday, 11.30am

Thursday, 10am

Friday, 11am

Saturday, 10am


In the period between Christmas and New Year, the Mass is celebrated at 10.30am on weekdays with the usual Sunday Mass at 10am. 

You can visit our online giving partner, givealittle,
by clicking through from here or pasting this link into your browser:
to donate online. 
Contactless giving is available at our larger services in church. 

Alternatively, you can follow this QR Code:


Making sure the whole Church family is safe is an important part of what we do at St Mary's.  Full details can be found here.

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Daily Prayers

A useful rule of life can involve the saying of prayers each day when we wake and before we go to sleep. These prayers don't have to be long, in a set form or use big words.  Some people find a daily routine helps them and others do prefer having a set of prayers which they know other Christians throughout the world are using.  One such resource is called Universalis and on this site you'll find prayers for the whole day - along with the readings used at Mass - which are shared by Christians throughout the world.


The Society

of St Wilfrid

and St Hilda

Affiliated Parish


in Faith

Registered Parish

sq Dio Rochester shield.jpg

of Rochester

in the Province
of Canterbury

SMV Xmas Christmas Card 2.jpg

We are a family of faith

We live & work
and grow & pray


Our faith is centred on Jesus Christ
and his sacrifice for us.

We seek to live the love of God which is given to us in the Lord.


Thank you to our supporters

St Mary's gets no money from the government,
no money from local councils
and no money from the central church. 
Every penny we spend has to come from people and businesses
who dig deep to support our work - and we're grateful to them all.

Contact us / Send us a Prayer Request

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